‘All children should learn together, wherever possible, regardless of any difficulties or differences they may have.’ These are the principles adopted at the UNESCO World Conference on Special Needs Education held in Salamanca, Spain.

‘All children should learn together, wherever possible, regardless of any difficulties or differences they may have.’ These are the principles adopted at the UNESCO World Conference on Special Needs Education held in Salamanca, Spain.
School inclusion ensures that all students, regardless of their background, abilities, or needs, can fully participate and succeed in school. Inclusion is about creating a supportive and welcoming environment where all students feel valued and respected, and their strengths and needs are recognised and addressed. In international schools, inclusion takes on a unique dimension due to the diverse student population and global context in which they operate.
The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education is a document that was adopted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1994. It advocates for the inclusion of all children, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, in mainstream schools and calls for a shift from segregated special education towards inclusive education systems.